Use Slack to Create Incidents Automatically

Falit Jain
June 20, 2024
5 min read
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What are we looking for?

Automatically creating incidents using Slack emojis may lead to ambiguities and misinterpretations due to the lack of context and specificity. Emojis are inherently limited in conveying detailed incident information, such as severity, impact, and affected systems, which are crucial for effective incident management. Additionally, relying solely on emojis for incident creation may bypass necessary validation steps and escalation protocols, potentially delaying or compromising incident resolution efforts.

Pagerly - Opsgenie + Slack

Pagerly is at the forefront of AI-driven solutions for Slack, revolutionising workflow management with its innovative platform. 

As the leading AI Slack app, Pagerly streamlines team operations by effortlessly creating rotations, optimising schedules, and enhancing collaboration within the workspace. 

With its intuitive interface and advanced algorithms, Pagerly empowers teams to maximise productivity and efficiency like never before.

If there are some teams or tasks you would prefer not to schedule on PagerDuty, OpsGenie, etc.

You can make these Round-Robin Rotations directly within Slack using Pagerly.

Users, groups of users, and teams can all be rotated.


Slack Integration

Utilize Slack emoji reactions to trigger incident creation.

Automated Incident Creation

Automatically generate incident tickets based on specified emoji reactions.

Emoji Mapping

Define mappings between emoji reactions and incident types or severity levels.

Real-Time Alerts

Immediately notify teams upon incident creation via Slack notifications.

Escalation Rules

Implement escalation rules based on incident severity or type.

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