How to have a deep Slack Two-Way Sync with Shortcut

Falit Jain
May 24, 2024
5 min read
How to have a deep Slack Two-Way Sync with Shortcut
Table of Content

Improve your workflow with our Slack and Shortcut integration routines, or create a unique bespoke solution for your team. Shortcut Syncing with Slack

Present Issue

The "Shortcut Slack 2-Way Sync" workflow allows teams to manage Shortcut tickets directly within Slack. 

It enables users to comment, assign, and transition tickets without switching applications, update ticket statuses using emojis, create new issues from Slack messages, and receive alerts for tickets nearing deadlines. 

The workflow aims to streamline collaboration and enhance productivity by keeping all ticket management activities within Slack. However, potential issues include dependency on Slack for updates and possible synchronisation delays between the two platforms.


Pagerly is at the forefront of AI-driven solutions for Slack, revolutionising workflow management with its innovative platform. 

As the leading AI Slack app, Pagerly streamlines team operations by effortlessly creating rotations, optimising schedules, and enhancing collaboration within the workspace. 

With its intuitive interface and advanced algorithms, Pagerly empowers teams to maximise productivity and efficiency like never before.

If there are some teams or tasks you would prefer not to schedule on PagerDuty, OpsGenie, etc.

You can make these Round-Robin Rotations directly within Slack using Pagerly.

Users, groups of users, and teams can all be rotated.


Use Slack to Comment, Assign, and Transition Tickets

Put an end to your team's continual app switching to prevent thousands of hours of wasted time.

Emojis to Transition/Update Tickets

Emojis can be set to update tickets in Slack.

Want to modify tickets within Slack? Select your favourite emoji, change the priority, status, label, or custom field.

Emojis to Transition/Update Tickets
Emojis to Transition/Update Tickets

Make Problems Without difficulty

Select any issue type, team, and create a ticket from Slack messages with ease using the bot.

Make Problems Without difficulty
Make Problems Without difficulty


40% - Shorter reaction times

Implementing Pagerly yielded a significant improvement, reducing reaction times by 40%, thereby enhancing the team's agility and responsiveness to tasks and inquiries.

100% - In your group working together on tickets

 Pagerly facilitated seamless collaboration, ensuring that 100% of the group actively participated in ticket management, leading to streamlined workflows and enhanced task completion rates.

30% - Automatic responses to inquiries

With Pagerly's automation capabilities, the team experienced a notable 30% increase in automatic responses to inquiries, freeing up valuable time and resources while maintaining prompt and effective communication with stakeholders.

Checkout full information here: Shortcut Slack 2 Way Sync

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